Saturday, October 31, 2015

HahahaHasula: Hasslelessly an Ohrwurm

Ohrwurm is a Deutsch word that describes a Song that keeps playing on your mind, exactly what this new Bisayan song is. HAHAHAHAsula is from two words: HAHAHA which is the written way of laughing and Hasula which is derived from the English word Hassle, with the same meaning closely synonymous to "badtrip". The song talks about the pains of a boy seeing his girl being loved by another, that he couldn't do anything about the situation but just to laugh about it, which indeed is a "hassle" situation.

The song is drawing interests as it is expressed in a manner familiar to the youths, Bisayan slangs and hugots are accompanied by a melody that one could relate just after seconds of listening to the song (and then you wouldn't realize you are already singing with). This song gained fame not only in Cebu but also to the neighboring provinces, staying in the most requested lists of most radio stations.
The music video of the song is loyal to its words. It ended the girl hugging the boy but in a brotherly manner. Yeah, HAHAHAHAsula..

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vispop: Regional becoming National

Happiest days of my life were when I woke up to the Songs of Max Surban and Yoyoy Villame, just the thought of these two, makes me smile . On those Golden Days, Visayan songs are more of the novelty type with humor that would tickle all of your senses.
Just as we thought that our own Music wouldn't survive the Industry without being novelty, Bisrock and Vispop are becoming the anthems of every Bisaya youths. Bisrock started getting famous during early 2000s, it was positively accepted by Bisayas and non-Bisayas alike.
On the continous evolution of Bisayan Music, Vispop came to the scene offering new flavors of Bisayan Music. To promote it, a Vispop festival happens every year, encouraging the youths and challenging their creativities to contribute to these new Bisayan pride. Bisayan bands and singers are doing concert and road tours not mainly to earn but for the promotion of theses Musics.
Recently, the song I Love You Langga made it to the Box Office movie, Etiquette for Mistresses repeatedly sung by the character played by Kim Chiu which at the ending was translated to Tagalog
As a Bisaya, I find it amusing listening to these Musics which is in the language that you speak, it gives you chills touching the deepest of your thoughts and feelings. And as we always say, hating Bisrock is the new Baduy.